Sunday, 18 August 2013

Greenwich Performance Collective: The "Dennis" Tape

Greenwich Performance Collective existed in South London in the 1980s and was a hotbed of innovative creative activity. Embracing the punk D.I.Y ethic the collective brought together musicians, artists and performers of all types for gigs and events in London (and later for exchange gigs in the North of England). Many interesting and talented performers found a platform here and sometimes more established acts joined the gigs, such as Nico, ATV and others.

The collective produced several compilation cassettes during its existence and after a recent meeting with some of the core and founder members (Andi being one of them), we have began a digital archive of materials and recordings, mostly thanks to the collections of Dave Skull and Brian Moulton.

The first compilation tape to be digitised is the one called "Dennis". It contains tracks by over 21 acts, and although it is now nearly 30 years old, it has aged well and is a very entertaining listen. Check out the tracks below, and you can also download the entire tape, plus artwork and scans free.

GPC has a Facebook page where you can keep up to date with the additions to the archive and get the latest news relating not just to the GPC, but the other linked collectives of the time:

Download "Dennis" free by clicking this link:

kurt schwitters

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Oaken Wood, Kent

Oaken WoodOaken WoodOaken WoodOaken WoodOaken WoodOaken Wood
Oaken WoodOaken WoodOaken WoodOaken WoodOaken WoodOaken Wood
Oaken WoodOaken WoodOaken WoodOaken WoodOaken WoodOaken Wood
Oaken WoodOaken WoodOaken WoodOaken WoodOaken WoodOaken Wood
Oaken Wood, Kent, a set on Flickr.
Oaken Wood in Kent is under threat from a nearby quarry, and despite the company saying that they will not displace the wildlife there, I find it hard to believe that there will be no long-term damage. Areas of the wood are dense chestnut coppice, but there are also some lovely ancient trees that cannot be replaced. I took the photos to try and capture the place rather than produce arty pictures. Hopefully they will give you a feel of this special woodland.

Please sign this petition to try and save it: