Saturday, 18 May 2019

A new track from Your Heterosexual Violence - Pauper's Funeral

Brian: "For anyone reading this who has experienced having to claim sickness benefits because they are far too ill to work, only to be told at one of these government/DWP Work Capability Assessments that they are in fact perfectly fit for work and so your benefits are stopping, this song should resonate.
Black Triangle do some excellent and very important work in agitating against the cruel and heartless DWP and their cuts and sanction culture but currently they are totally unfunded and have to fund their resistance costs from their own pockets.
All proceeds from the downloading of this song will be donated to the disability rights campaign group Black Triangle. Please pay what you can afford. Black Triangle is established to galvanise opposition to the current vicious attack on the fundamental human rights of disabled people by government using Work Capability Assessments to re-classify sick and disabled individuals as fit for work. For more infomation on the work of Black Triangle see www.facebook.com/blacktriangle11 "

Vocals - Brian O'Brien 
Vocals - Jemma Freeman 
Guitar - David Dodd 
Drums - Andi Panayi 
Keyboards - Simon Birch 
Bass - Paul Hood 
Violin - Maris Peterlevics

Mixed and produced by Andy Ramsay (Stereolab)